Halo Sobat UGM‼️
Ada info menarik tentang IISMA Bootcamp (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) niih. 🤩
IISMA Bootcamp apa sih min? 🤔
Jadi, IISMA Bootcamp adalah kegiatan pembekalan bagi mahasiswa yang berminat mengikuti IISMA agar bisa mempersiapkan diri untuk seleksi IISMA loooh 🥳. Bootcamp ini akan dilaksanakan pada 29 Januari – 3 Februari 2024 yaah. Save the date!!!
Dengan bergabung ke bootcamp ini, kalian akan mendapat beberapa keuntungan, seperti
✅Persiapan seleksi essay
✅Persiapan wawancara
✅Persiapan kondisi psikologis
✅Memilih institusi host IISMA
Pendaftaran IISMA Bootcamp dilakukan pada 10-24 Januari 2024. Cermati persyaratannya dan langsung daftar di link ini http://ugm.id/IISMA2024 secara GRATIS.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini dan semangat teman-teman ❗ 💪🏻💪🏻
Diinformasikan kepada wisudawan periode I TA 2023/2024, bahwa transkrip nilai dan SKPI bagi PIN yang terbit di sesi 2 sudah bisa diambil di bagian akademik DTEDI skip unit 3 dengan menyerahkan bukti pengembalian toga.
Terima kasih,
Bagian Akademik DTEDI SV UGM
Diinformasikan bagi wisudawan periode I TA 2023/2024 DTEDI SV UGM yang telah memperoleh ijazah dan terapprove TTE Dekan,
transkrip nilai dan SKPI dapat diambil di bagian Akademik DTEDI SV UGM pada hari dan jam kerja dengan menyerahkan bon pengembalian toga.
Terima kasih,
Bagian Akademik DTEDI SV UGM
An intriguing innovation has been produced by five students from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) through the development of the ACO Jacket. This jacket is designed with the primary purpose of adjusting the user’s body temperature to the surrounding environment through an integrated heating and cooling system.
The ACO Jacket is the result of the creative work of UGM students participating in the Innovative Work Student Creativity Program (PKM-KI). Their success in securing funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) serves as tangible evidence of the innovative value of this jacket. The team responsible for creating the ACO Jacket is led by Wahyu Agong Nugroho Jati (Teknologi Rekayasa Mesin) and includes Yogi Ilham Ruswara (Teknologi Rekayasa Mesin), Genesis Junior Sumlang (Teknologi Rekayasa Elektro), Linthang Cahya Wijaya (Teknik Pengelolaan dan Pemeliharaan Infrastruktur Sipil), and Melani Putri Pratama (Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak), under the guidance of Ma’un Budiyanto, S.T., M.T.
In his opening address, the representative from the Kulon Progo Regency government warmly welcomed the gathering and expressed the hope that participants would take full advantage of this occasion to ask questions and broaden their understanding of electrical safety and security. The event proceeded with a presentation by the community service team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, represented by Maun Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., and Ir Lukman Subekti, S.T., M.T.
During his presentation, Maun Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., who also serves as the head of the community service team, underscored the paramount importance of electrical safety. He urged for regular assessments of electrical systems within buildings, with a particular emphasis on office buildings in Kulon Progo. Similar viewpoints were shared by Ir Lukman Subekti, S.T., M.T., a Senior Lecturer from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, who elaborated on the reduction of power losses in the JTR installation as a means to enhance electrical efficiency.
The event concluded with the distribution of 32 suitable technology devices by the community service team to the seminar participants. These devices are intended to reduce electrical power losses and can be put to use in their respective offices or residences.
Pura is a national private company engaged in printing, coating, advanced plastic and paper processing, construction, and industrial machinery manufacturing. The broad business sector of the Pura Group has an impact on the need for manpower to meet the company’s targets, where the expertise of graduates from the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology Study Program is considered suitable and can fulfill these workforce needs.
With this background, Pura Group Kudus initiated a collaboration with the Study Program, starting with a student internship program (MBKM internship) and practitioner lecturers from Pura Group Kudus to conduct lectures on campus. This mutual agreement is expected to open up other collaborations, including cooperation related to workforce recruitment, to enhance the absorption of graduates in the industry.