In line with our commitment to the three core principles of higher education (tridharma perguruan tinggi), the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics hosted a seminar on Electrical Safety in Building Structures and the Practical Application of Technology for the Workforce within the government of Kulon Progo Regency on Monday, September 18, 2023. This event was held at the Field Research Center Building of Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada and was attended by various dignitaries, including the Head of UPT, government officials from Kulon Progo Regency, the Department Head, Cooperation Manager, Research and Community Service representatives, and members of the Community Service Team.
In his opening address, the representative from the Kulon Progo Regency government warmly welcomed the gathering and expressed the hope that participants would take full advantage of this occasion to ask questions and broaden their understanding of electrical safety and security. The event proceeded with a presentation by the community service team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, represented by Maun Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., and Ir Lukman Subekti, S.T., M.T.
During his presentation, Maun Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., who also serves as the head of the community service team, underscored the paramount importance of electrical safety. He urged for regular assessments of electrical systems within buildings, with a particular emphasis on office buildings in Kulon Progo. Similar viewpoints were shared by Ir Lukman Subekti, S.T., M.T., a Senior Lecturer from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, who elaborated on the reduction of power losses in the JTR installation as a means to enhance electrical efficiency.
The event concluded with the distribution of 32 suitable technology devices by the community service team to the seminar participants. These devices are intended to reduce electrical power losses and can be put to use in their respective offices or residences.