A hybrid public lecture of Kapita Selekta has been held for the D4 Electro Engineering Technology and D4 Instrumentation and Control Engineering programs. The event commenced at 14:00 WIB and was attended by 70 participants in person and 60 participants online, indicating significant participation from students. The session was facilitated by Hidayat Nur Isnianto, a lecturer in the D4 Instrumentation and Control Engineering program.
In this tenth week public lecture, speaker Ahmad Nugraha Bayu Mukti, S.T., MBA., who serves as the CEO of PT Miconos, presented on the topic “The Role of Technopreneurship in the Health Industry in Indonesia.” In his presentation, he emphasized the importance of technology-based innovation and entrepreneurship in supporting the development of the health sector, while also discussing the challenges and opportunities faced by technopreneurs in Indonesia.
On October 19, 2024, a significant event took place at the Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, where the dissemination of research results was presented during the National Seminar on Applied Technology 2024. This seminar served as a platform for researchers to share their findings and innovations, contributing to the advancement of education and technology in Indonesia.
The research was conducted by a team led by M. Arrofiq, with members Fahmizal, Lukman Subekti, Ma’un Budiyanto, Sabariman, Priyo Herlambang, Josua Rusdi Hutagaol, and Fuad Galih Pambudi. Their study focused on the topic of “Object Flow Direction on PLC-Based Conveyors,” which is crucial for enhancing operational efficiency in various industrial processes.
On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, the Kapita Selekta public lecture for the D4 Software Engineering Technology and D4 Internet Engineering Technology programs was successfully held online at 2:00 PM (WIB). The event featured Septiaji Eko Nugroho, the head of Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (MAFINDO), as the guest speaker, with the topic “Fact-Checking, Mafindo, and Fact-Check Tools.” The session was moderated by Firma Syahrian, S.Kom., M.Cs, a lecturer from the D4 Software Engineering Technology program.
On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at the Ballroom of the Teaching Industry Learning Center at UGM Vocational School, students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics gathered to attend an engaging public lecture. This event featured an experienced speaker, Dr. Pankaj Atrri, Ph.D., a lecturer from Kyushu University, Japan. In this lecture, Dr. Pankaj discussed a highly relevant topic for students: “How to Succeed in a Career Abroad.”
This event was initiated by Dr. Eng. Tika Erna Putri, S.Si., M.Sc, a lecturer in the D4 Electro Engineering Technology program, who also served as the moderator for the event. Lasting two hours, the public lecture not only provided new insights for students but also served as a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced when working abroad.
On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, a Kapita Selekta guest lecture was held online, featuring a speaker from PT PLN Nusantara Power. The session, held from 14:00 to 16:00, was attended by 85 participants from the D4 Electrical Engineering Technology and D4 Instrumentation and Control Technology programs.
The event was moderated by Dr. Fitri Puspasari, S.Si., M.Sc., a lecturer in the D4 Electrical Engineering Technology program. The keynote speaker, Bintan Aulia Izzati, an electrical technician in the maintenance repair & overhaul (MRO) unit, discussed the topic of Power Plant Unit Maintenance in Overhaul Scope.
The 9th week of the Kapita Selekta lecture series for the IT sector, held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, was conducted virtually. The session featured Rizky Agung Pratama, an Information Technology Systems Officer at PLN’s Bali Nusa Tenggara area, who delivered a presentation on Support for the Reliability and Security of IT & OT Systems at PLN during International Events (G20 Summit, ASEAN, WWF).
A total of 145 participants attended the event, which was moderated by Alif Subardono, S.T., M.Eng., a lecturer in the D4 Internet Engineering Technology program.
The research titled “Design and Development of the Rainer Conveyor Module Based on Omron CJ2M CPU-31 PLC and Omron NB7W Human Machine Interface (HMI)” has been successfully completed by a research team consisting of Muhammad Rakha Firdaus, Imroatul Hudati, Hidayat Nur Isnianto, and Sihno Priyatno. This study focuses on the design and development of an automated conveyor system using the Omron CJ2M CPU-31 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), widely known for its reliability in controlling various industrial processes. In addition, the study incorporates the Omron NB7W Human Machine Interface (HMI) technology as an interactive visual interface, allowing users to monitor and control the entire process more easily and in real-time. The main objective of the research is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial system control, particularly in the manufacturing sector, with the hope that the results can be implemented to optimize production processes, reduce human error risks, and provide a more modern and reliable technological solution.
Parallel to the film’s journey, the game Ganyang Satan Alas also found its own way in the creative industry landscape in Indonesia. Last September 26-28, Ganyang Satan Alas was exhibited at the International Creative Industry Conference and Festival or IC Fest2024. IC Fest itself is a conference and exhibition for creative industries initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. This time IC Fest was held at the Gadjah Mada University Innovation and Creativity Center.
Kulonprogo – Friday, 19 July 2024, Training of Basic Network was carried out as a form of community service organized by the Internet Engineering Technology Study Program, UGM Vocational School. Taking place at the Field Research Center, this training was attended by 10 participants from Jatirejo Youth and Sidorejo Lendah Kulonprogo. This activity is in line with SDG 4 concerning Quality Education, which emphasizes the importance of inclusive and quality education, as well as SDG 9 concerning Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, which encourages the development of technical skills and the Flagship of Community Socio-Cultural Resilience.