The increasingly complex waste problem in Indonesia can be attributed to the lack of public awareness about the importance of waste management and changes in production and consumption patterns. To address this issue, UGM has developed a research roadmap focusing on Climate Change and Environmental Adaptation, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to Responsible Consumption and Production. A digital transformation utilizing mobile computing technology and smart devices, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), is essential for a fast, accurate, and effective solution.
Mengawali rangkaian perayaan Lustrum III dan Dies Natalis ke-15 Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada, keluarga besar Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika dengan semangat menggelar kegiatan Jalan Sehat pada Jumat, 9 Agustus 2024. Dimulai pukul 07.00 WIB, acara ini diawali dari halaman Gedung Herman Yohannes Sekip Unit III.
Acara dibuka dengan sambutan hangat dari Ketua Departemen, Ir. Nur Rohman Rosyid, S.T., M.T., D.Eng., dilanjutkan dengan doa yang dipimpin oleh Ir. Lukman Subekti, M.T., dosen di Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika.
Dr. Isnan Nur Rifai from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, UGM, alongside Dr. Eng Yosephus Ardean and Dr. Eng Agustinus Winarno from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vocational College, UGM, and Dr. Eng Adhika Widyaparaga from the Faculty of Engineering, UGM, recently visited Xi’an University of Technology (XUT) and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) as guest lecturers from July 16 to July 25, 2024.
Dr. Isnan presented a lecture on the development of medical devices, titled Square-Wave Electrical Impedance Tomography for Dermis Sodium Visualization, while also promoting the Vocational College of UGM, particularly the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, to scholars from XUT and NUAA.
An intriguing innovation has been produced by five students from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) through the development of the ACO Jacket. This jacket is designed with the primary purpose of adjusting the user’s body temperature to the surrounding environment through an integrated heating and cooling system.
The ACO Jacket is the result of the creative work of UGM students participating in the Innovative Work Student Creativity Program (PKM-KI). Their success in securing funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) serves as tangible evidence of the innovative value of this jacket. The team responsible for creating the ACO Jacket is led by Wahyu Agong Nugroho Jati (Teknologi Rekayasa Mesin) and includes Yogi Ilham Ruswara (Teknologi Rekayasa Mesin), Genesis Junior Sumlang (Teknologi Rekayasa Elektro), Linthang Cahya Wijaya (Teknik Pengelolaan dan Pemeliharaan Infrastruktur Sipil), and Melani Putri Pratama (Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak), under the guidance of Ma’un Budiyanto, S.T., M.T.
In line with our commitment to the three core principles of higher education (tridharma perguruan tinggi), the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics hosted a seminar on Electrical Safety in Building Structures and the Practical Application of Technology for the Workforce within the government of Kulon Progo Regency on Monday, September 18, 2023. This event was held at the Field Research Center Building of Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada and was attended by various dignitaries, including the Head of UPT, government officials from Kulon Progo Regency, the Department Head, Cooperation Manager, Research and Community Service representatives, and members of the Community Service Team.
Located in the Meeting Room of the Herman Yohannes Building Sekip Unit 3, the Head of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology Study Program along with the Secretary and Faculty Members welcomed a visit from Pura Group Kudus on Monday (11/9/23) which was attended by the Recruitment Manager, Head of Selection and OS, and the Recruitment Head of Pura Group.
Pura is a national private company engaged in printing, coating, advanced plastic and paper processing, construction, and industrial machinery manufacturing. The broad business sector of the Pura Group has an impact on the need for manpower to meet the company’s targets, where the expertise of graduates from the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology Study Program is considered suitable and can fulfill these workforce needs.
In order to create and maintain a clean office and campus environment, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada conducted a “clean-up” activity in the Herman Yohannes Building area of Sekip Unit III and the Tjahjana Adi Building of Sekip Unit IV on Friday (8/9/23) at 08:00 AM, led by Eko Haryono, S.T., M.Eng, as the Coordinator of HR, Finance, and Infrastructure Affairs.
The activity was attended by staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics and Cleaning Service staff, focusing on cleaning public spaces that are regularly used by the academic community of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. This also shows the Department’s commitment to creating a comfortable office environment and providing opportunities for employees to interact and strengthen their bonds.
In order to strengthen preparations for the establishment of Master Program on Applied Data Science, Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering held a Group Discussion Forum with partners on Monday (14/8/2023) at 10.00 WIB in the Meeting Room of the Herman Yohanes Building.
The forum was opened by the Head of the Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Gadjah Mada University Vocational School, Nur Rohman Rosyid, S.T., M.T., D.Eng., who conveyed in general the purpose of establishing of Master Program on Applied Data Science. In this forum, the team coordinator for the establishment Master Program on Applied Data Science, D. Eng. Ganjar Alfian also explained in detail regarding the vision, mission, curriculum, and expected graduate profiles.
Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Vocational School of Universitas Gadjah Mada, organized the Summer Course with the theme “Digital Transformation” virtually from July 3rd to July 14th, 2023. The event was attended by 118 students from the Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering and 2 foreign students from the Philippines. During the two weeks, students received seminar lectures and workshop activities in the field of electrical and informatics.
The opening ceremony of the Summer Course 2023 was officially conducted by Dr. Eng. Tika Erna Putri, S.Si., M.Sc., the Chairman of the Committee, who provided an overview of the program for the two weeks, and Yuris Mulya Saputra, S.T., M.Sc., Phd., the Secretary of the Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, who introduced the department as the host of the Summer Course.
Indonesia memiliki potensi budi daya ikan air tawar tinggi dengan keanekaragaman ikan air tawar mencapai 1.300 spesies (Badan Karantina Ikan, Pengendalian Mutu, dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan, 2015). Salah Satu spesies ikan yang umum dibudidayakan, yaitu ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dengan kemampuan menoleransi perubahan salinitas dengan rentang luas (Djunaedi, dkk., 2016).
Meski memiliki peluang pasar, permasalahan saat produksi, seperti ikan mati dan perubahan kondisi kolam. Seperti pada berita yang ada, yaitu matinya 10.000 ikan akibat kontaminasi air sabun (Arif, 2022) dan matinya ratusan bibit ikan nila akibat suhu mencapai 41°C (Ricky, 2019).