Parallel to the film’s journey, the game Ganyang Satan Alas also found its own way in the creative industry landscape in Indonesia. Last September 26-28, Ganyang Satan Alas was exhibited at the International Creative Industry Conference and Festival or IC Fest2024. IC Fest itself is a conference and exhibition for creative industries initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. This time IC Fest was held at the Gadjah Mada University Innovation and Creativity Center.
“Ganyang Setan Alas!” itself was originally a game created as marketing media for the film “Setan Alas!” Parallel in the same week, the film itself also received the honor of the International Premiere at Fantastic Fest in Texas and received a warm welcome there. During its development, Yusron Fuadi as the director of the film and game saw an opportunity to develop and market the game itself, as seriously as the film.
In line with the film, spoiler alert, Ganyang Satan Alas, which is a First Person Shooter genre, tells the story of a group of young people having to survive attacks from the undead. This game was developed completely in the Unreal Engine environment.
This game itself also received Dana Padanan grant funding from Diksi for 2024 and was previously exhibited at the INTI Gamecomm exhibition in Jakarta. This game was created by 10 TRPL, DTEDI, SV UGM students. Andhika Rahmanu (Game Designer) Rakhmad Hernan Syah (UI Programmer), Muhammad Luthfi Azzahra Rammadhani (Lead Programmer), Hafizh Favian Setiadhy Pratama (Lead Artist), Rayendra Arya Daneswara (Lead Artist), Christophorus Arhito (Environment and Animation Artist), Yahya Idris Abdurrahman (Environment Programmer), Anggito Wicaksono (Programming), Muhammad Naufal Rosyad (Technical Artist), plus one additional personnel from ILKOM UGM, Muhammad Mada Ibrahim (3D Modeller). The game Ganyang Satan Alas, which was produced by two SV lecturers, Mrs. Unan Yusmaniar and Mrs. Fani Pramuditya, also marked a collaboration between the Department of Electrical and Informatics Engineering and the Department of Economics and Business. This activity is in line with SDG 4 concerning Quality Education, which emphasizes the importance of inclusive and quality education, as well as SDG 9 concerning Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, which encourages the development of technical skills and the Flagship of Community Socio-Cultural Resilience.