On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the D4 Electro Engineering Technology and D4 Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology programs at the Vocational School of Universitas Gadjah Mada held an online guest lecture as part of the sixth week of their Kapita Selekta series. The event took place from 14:00 to 16:00 WIB, featuring the topic “PT PLN’s Efforts to Prepare Talent for Global Challenges.”
The lecture featured Ghally Fajar Riadi, S.Psi, a Talent Development Officer from PT PLN’s headquarters, as the keynote speaker. The session was moderated by Dr. Fitri Puspasari, S.Si, M.Sc, a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at the UGM Vocational School.
In this lecture, Ghally Fajar discussed the importance of talent management at PT PLN in facing industrial challenges and globalization. Key points presented during the session included:
- The Big Way: The Importance of Talent Management: Emphasizing the crucial role of talent management in coping with industrial developments and ensuring talent readiness within the company.
- Let’s Get to Know PLN Better: Introducing PT PLN’s vision, mission, and corporate culture, and how the company prepares its human resources to be exceptional.
- Why is Talent Management Important?: Explaining the significance of talent management as a foundation for sustainable corporate growth.
- Integrated Talent Management System: The integrated talent management system employed by PT PLN, from recruitment to career development.
- PT PLN’s Management Road Map – Long-Term Strategy: An overview of PT PLN’s long-term plans to address dynamic changes in the energy sector, including talent development strategies.
- Talent Acquisition & Talent Classifications: The process of talent acquisition and classification within the company to ensure alignment with operational needs.
Contribution to SDGs
This guest lecture aligns with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:
- SDG 4: Quality Education: This lecture contributes by providing students with high-quality knowledge and skills in talent management and the energy industry.
- SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: PT PLN strives to create decent jobs and promote sustainable economic growth by ensuring effective management of its human resources.
- SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: By preparing top-tier talent, PLN supports innovation and the sustainable development of infrastructure in the energy sector.
This event provided students with the opportunity to grasp the critical importance of talent management in the industry, particularly within the energy sector, and how companies like PT PLN are preparing top talent to compete globally.